Financier Investor


Investing is a long-term process that requires constant learning, analysis and decision making. However, a well-planned and diversified investment portfolio can provide stable income and ensure financial independence in the future.


5 podcasts

1. Potracheno
2. Financial Literacy School “Fingram”
3. Money Came In
4. Financial Intelligence
5. Money Makes Money


5 podcasts

1. “Calculator”, “Meduza”
2. “Listen to the Broker”, BCS
3. “Greedy Investor”, Tinkoff Investments
4. “Let’s Talk About Investments”, Roman Romanovich
5. Notes on Investing, investment company “Arsagera”

Financial Education

List of 44 bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, after graduating from which you can get the profession of “FINANCIER”

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Our mission is to lay the foundation for a safe future

Our position is clear: knowledge in the field of finance helps achieve the most diverse goals
